• Công ty cổ phần dịch vụ kỹ thuật Phateco

    Phateco technical services joint stock company

    Professional, Honesty Assurance Testing & Engineering Consultancy Operation

    • Tiếng Việt
    • English

    Deploying ASME assessment project at Lisemco 2, Lilama 10 and Lilama 69-1

    Date Submitted 09/01/2025

    In recent times, PHATECO has been trusted by many customers in providing Level III and NDT services for ASME certification assessment in the field of pressure vessel manufacturing. Among them are companies under Vietnam Machinery Installation Corporation such as Lisemco 2 (Hai Phong), Lilama 10 (Hai Duong), Lilama 69-1 (Bac Ninh).


    After a period of preparation, in the first days of March, official ASME assessment sessions were held simultaneously at Lisemco2, Lilama 10, Lilama 69-1. On the 10th and 11th, at Lisemco 2; on the 14th and 15th, at Lilama 10; on the 16th and 17th, at Lilama 69-1.


    Illustrative image


    The task of implementing these projects has been assigned to two new ASNT NDT Level III experts of PHATECO, Mr. Nguyen Duc Hieu and Mr. Nguyen Van Tuong. Due to careful preparation in advance, with the guidance and assistance of the Company’s Board of Directors and Mr. Nguyen Duc Dung, an ASNT NDT Level III expert with many years of experience in ASME projects, these working sessions have all been successful.


    During these working sessions, ASME’s assessment experts highly appreciated PHATECO for maintaining the system of training, assessment and certification of personnel according to SNT-TC-1A as well as the careful preparation for the assessment.


    This is another testament to the quality of service that PHATECO provides, contributing to enhancing PHATECO’s position in the eyes of customers and partners.