Thai Binh 1 Thermal Power Project has been implemented by PHATECO since March 2015 with the pile driving item for the construction part of the project. Up to now, the NDT work for this item has been completed.

In early 2016, PHATECO continued the project with many other items: Since January 2016, NDT (RT/UT) testing has been performed for the circulating pipelines at Lilama18 and Lisemco 2. Since March 2016, UT/PT/MT/RT testing has been performed for turbines and boilers. However, the workload is not much at present. In addition, PHATECO has been conducting radiographic testing (RT) for welder evaluation, on average once a week. It is expected that from March 22, RT will be deployed for boiler walls with about 370 welds. According to the plan, in April 2016, the workload will increase in the following categories: boiler, turbine, circulation pipe, etc.

Regarding safety, due to the supervision of Marubeni and Jel, the requirements for labor safety at the construction site are very high. In which, PHATECO is under even stricter control of the project because it works with radiation, a special field with very high safety requirements. However, up to now, PHATECO is still ensuring these very strict requirements and has been highly appreciated by the Japanese Main Contractor.